Are You Ready to Adopt a Pet?

Choosing to adopt a pet is a big decision, and you need to know that you are making the right choice. Rescue animals have usually been through a lot of upheaval and loss, which can make it stressful for them to be moved from one home to the next. That's why, when you adopt a pet, it is important to make sure that you are ready to make the long-term commitment that rescue animals need. Let's take a look at how you can tell if you are ready to provide an animal in need with their forever home!

What is Your Motivation For Wanting to Adopt a Pet?

Think about why you are interested in adopting a pet. Are you in search of a loyal companion to love you unconditionally? Do you need an exercise buddy to motivate you to get out and be more active? Do you want a friend to snuggle? These are all valid reasons to adopt a pet, as you will be a great addition to your home. Identifying your motivations will help you to choose the right pet for you. For example, if you want a pet to help you be more active, you would opt for a younger dog over a senior dog or cat.

Do I Have Stable Housing?

One of the top reasons pets are surrendered to animal shelters is that their owner has moved to somewhere that does not allow pets. If you are preparing to adopt a pet, it is important to make sure that you can offer a stable home. If you are renting, make sure that your landlord allows pets. You will also need to check whether your homeowner's insurance allows for a pet. If you cannot guarantee a stable, long-term home for a pet, then the timing may not be right.

Is My Home Safe For a Pet?

Your new pet is going to rely on you to keep it safe, so before you adopt a pet, it is important that you make sure your home is safe. Is your yard securely fenced in? Is access closed off with a gate or fence if you have a pool? If you are above ground level, do you need to ensure your pet cannot fall from the window? Do you have toxic chemicals that need to be secured somewhere the pet won't be able to access? Before you adopt a pet, make sure you have taken all of the necessary steps to make your home safe.

Do I Have Time to Commit to a Pet?

When you are adopting a rescue animal, it is important to understand that they may take a lot of extra time and effort if they have any behavioral issues that need to be addressed. However, the truth is that any pet takes a commitment of time. Cats and dogs will both need attention and human interaction every day. They also need plenty of exercise and stimulation so they do not get bored. If you work long hours, that doesn't necessarily mean you cannot adopt a pet, but you will need to make time for them before and after your workday.

Can I Afford to Adopt a Pet?

An adoption fee is often required when you adopt a pet from an animal shelter, but that isn't the only expense you will incur as a pet owner. In preparation for your pet's arrival, they will need a comfortable bed, toys to keep them amused, a pet carrier, and possibly a crate. Then there will be the ongoing cost of food, grooming, vet bills, and pet and/or liability insurance. It is important that you have the financial means to provide your pet with the shelter, food, and medical care they deserve.

Are My Kids Ready For a Pet?

If you have small children at home, you must consider whether they are old enough to respect an animal's boundaries. While there are many benefits to your child growing up with a pet, safety concerns must be considered. You must make sure that your child understands how to interact with a pet safely. This means no pulling on its ears or tail, no interfering with its food, and no climbing on it. It is a good idea to ensure your new pet has a safe space for when they need some quiet time away from the children. If you need to educate your child before you adopt a pet, consider adopting a stuffed rescue animal from American Pet Rescues that you can use to help them learn how to care for a pet once they are ready.

What If I Am Not Ready to Adopt a Pet?

After examining these questions, you may find yourself deciding that the time is not quite right for you to adopt a pet. However, you can still help animals in need. You can support animal rescue efforts in several ways in your local area. You can also support animal rescue by adopting a stuffed rescue animal from American Pet Rescues. Each of our pets is modeled on a real rescue animal. You will learn their story, and all profits from your purchase will go towards building a new animal rescue center in East Tennessee.


Adopt a New Friend Today!

American Pet Rescues is working towards the goal of educating adults and children about the value of animal rescue. Through the sale of our quality plush stuffed animals, each based on a real animal rescue story, we hope to promote awareness of pet adoption while also funding the opening of an animal adoption center in the Knoxville area where we can continue educating others and also provide access to affordable veterinary care.

Visit or call 865-800-3697 for more information.

American Pet Rescues is a 501c3 non-profit organization.

© American Pet Rescues, Inc. 2025